Friday, April 27, 2012

a cheat for eXcitment

I'm going to cheat a little bit, and use EX instead of X.. don't tell anybody!

EXcitement come around me a lot.  I get eXcited about things very easily. About things like youth events, my vacation to Florida, my backyard makeover, my birthday in December (I like to think about that sort of thing early, that's how eXcited I get!)  I have a friend and her family is going to Kauai (SWEET!), and I asked her if she was eXcited and she said, "No."  I couldn't believe my ears! She is flying across the country and to an island in the Pacific Ocean that lots of people would give their right arm (figuratively speaking) to go there, and she wasn't even eXcited! If it was me, I would be running around, and running into things!

I have a trip to be eXcited about: in October we are going to Florida! And we are going to stay at my friend Elanore's house for six days! And we are going to go to the beach and Lego Land, and then we are going to go to Disney World for five days! I haven't been to Disney since I was six!

And vacation bible school is something I'm eXcited about! VBS has always been the highlight of my summer, besides camping trips and my BFF's birthday! I love the summer!

I can get eXcited about almost any thing, and that's just my personality.  


1 comment:

A.D. Duling said...

Hi Victoria,

I was nominated for the Liebster blog award and have nominated you and four other blogs of this same award. Go here and read about it and copy and paste your blog award for yours! You deserve it!
