Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jesus love his childeren

Every girl needs Jesus in her life. And I'm glad I do. I can talk to God about growing up, and why he made growing up the way it is.I can talk to him about the feelings for a boy that I have, or other felling like being sad or mad. Jesus can help me in any time, anywhere, for any reason. And he understands completely how I feel, and what I'm going through. He see's every thing knows every thing, and can do anything.

I look to Jesus when I have problems with certain relation ship. And a problems with my brother.Sometime I feel like somebody turned off the lights, and I need Jesus to turn the lights back on. Jesus loves his little children.

Mark 10:13–16
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And she took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

 I pray almost every time I tangled with a feeling I have not encountered before, like romance. That was something I talked a lot about with God, and how to handle that in a Christan way. I'm glad I'm a christian, cause   if I wasn't I would be going head over heals, trying to figure out how to handle life at my age. But I do have God, and I still roll head over heals to. Just at a slower pace.God helps, every one who needs help, and in teen life I need God. You need God. Every one needs God!

As I pray in bed for whatever reason, I know hundreds of other girls my age are doing the same thing. And I wonder how can God keep up with answering so many people all at one time? But then I remember he is a Amazing God.



Francene Stanley said...

How wonderful to know God listens to your prayers and hears your worries. You've very lucky to have his guidance in your early years.

A.D. Duling said...

Always listen to that still small voice Victoria, it will always guide you in the right direction. Praying is a wondeful thing, praying for thanks, or asking for blessings, or fogiveness does wonders for heart, the spirit and the soul. It also keeps your relationship with God and Jesus strong. Wonderful share are an amazing young lady.
