Wednesday, May 1, 2013


A while back I had a few posts about my parent s thinking about moving, us going to look at houses. Well at the beginning of April we put a offer in on the house. And it got accepted.Yes I now am moving out of the city in the the country a hour and a half away from every thing I have ever known.

I Have spent days crying because I feel like I won't see my friends hardly at all.And there will be other when I am giving myself a pep talk because deep down inside I know we will be coming back every other week to go to are church, I will still be  going to youth events, VBS, and we will come back a lot. My entire family is here almost we couldn't jus t leave them.

It's going to be tough, nothing about moving is going to be easy, not the fiscal or emotional parts of it. It's a new adventure, a change in life, I may not like it at all. But I believe God has put on this adventure, and he will see us through.


1 comment:

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You may not like the whole idea now, but once there, with the animals and clean living - you will grow to love it. I wish I was moving to the country - of course when I was your age, I would of hated it too. God Speed.