Lots f teenage girl stress before the mirror for more than a half and hours, (if they have time for it)
making sure they look fine and every thins in order. And yes I do this two. But watching the commercials during are one month free of TV, I realized how many commercials were for beauty products. To get rid o wrinkles, lotions, make up for your face, it was endless!
People are some times so scared of becoming ugly, that they plaster chemical after chemical on there face! But the truth is that if they haven't received Christ there already Ugly and there only one thing that could make you really beautiful, God. Some times I see all those models on magazine covers and they make me feel ugly, witch I think is what there suppose to do, they look so great because they had a bucket load of something dumped on them, you see them and instantly feel, what? Envy? Regret? And a need to look that way. It's sad. But heres my tip (that I am going to stat using to!)
No matter how beautiful they are or you are it's the beauty on the inside that counts.
proverbs 31:31
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
1 Corithians 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
Some girl just think they are ugly and wont believe any one who tries
to tell them they are. One year at
a summer camp there were some girls that well...I didn't get along with and well I said something that was sarcastic and kind of rude and one of the girls called me ugly. Yes it hurt. And just then I didn't know what to do I just turned and walked the other way, I think I went somewhere to cry but that was three years ago, and you know what thinking about it now, my mom and my dad and my family have told me I look beautiful and my friends have complemented what I have worn before and a certain boy has told me I look nice. So I know I am not ugly, and even if I was ugly on the outside I know I am I beautiful on the inside. And that's all that counts to God.
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