Friday, April 11, 2014


James 1:2-3
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Some days I feel really happy and joyful. I have a great life.  
 I the have friends and family I love and who love me. I have more blessings than I can count. So I should be joyful for the trials that come. Right?
Joyful. . .joyful. . . joyful. . .God is joy. 
After my move I wasn't very joyful. Like you have figured I was mad and a  little confused. But after a long time with him I see my need to trust God, and when I do that I will have joy.   

  1. 1.
    a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

    The definition of the word "joy" is lacking. You cannot have joy without the maker of joy. 
    You will never truly be joyful without God. If you think you have joy when you don't have God your hanging on to a false happy feeling brought about by the things that make YOU happy. Those material thing will let you down, run away and never come back.The things of this world that make you "joyful" will only crush you in the end. God is always there, he is the source of joy that never ends, never goes away, and will always love you.

    Make God your joy. =)   

    Victoria. . .


Janine said...

That was perfect, Victoria! Joy, as you said, is only found in God!

Unknown said...

Hi there - Agree 100%. By the way, your blog design is very attractive. :)