The tittle tells you my exact my personalty.
Life with me is........interesting. To put it simply,I have played in two plays, and hope to be in another VBS play this summer.
Life with me is........interesting. To put it simply,I have played in two plays, and hope to be in another VBS play this summer.
My parent's say I have had twelve years of experience in drama =)
I really like to over express myself in a....let's say it in a loud way. I like me that way though; it's my personalty. Although, sometimes I take it overboard and my mom tells me to calm down.
Being a growing teen I need to express myself and have fun, and that's what I intend to do, (or already have) in my teenage life.
All friends all call me Miss Volume, ha,ha! I love to be LOUD!
The first play I was in was western. That was last year, and I had a lot of lines. It was a fun play to make because we had to use accents and cool old-fashioned costumes. Luckily nobody had to be the horse.=) I had the best time at that play. My name was Petunia Periwinkle!
I was in another play last semester called the Twelve Angry Pigs (adapted from Twelve Angry Men). We all had to wear pig noses and decide whether the big bad wolf was guilty or not. We performed that at our co-op, and it got a million laughs.
The few drama performances I've been in, I have loved doing, and I hope to do a lot more. SOON!
Keep acting and try to keep the drama on the stage :) big personalities are best there. :) Good luck with the challenge. Life is about meeting challenges and growing because of them.
We are supposed to be dramatical that is why the title "Drama Queen" was invented. Now over dramatical is another story, but don't beat yourself up over that. Sometimes we need it :0) I am loving your topics Victoria!
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